Newsletter: February 9th, 2010

Hello Friends! It's been awhile since the last newsletter - I hope this finds you well!

I'm very proud to announce Ebenezer Flea's newly redesigned website! The brains behind Mousetrap Marketing have created a new look and layout for the EB Flea site! Please take a moment to check it out and let me know what you think. The new site includes new features like the coloring page of Ebenezer & Friends. Feel free to download it and do some stress-free coloring!

Also, with springtime just around the corner, we're looking at some fun upcoming dates for programs. Parknoll Elementary School and Smith Elementary School will be hosting an EB Flea event in their auditoriums next month. I'll send updates and pictures afterward to show you the fun we had!

If you're a parent, teacher or fan of Ebenezer and you'd like to discuss a library, hospital or school program, please let me know. I'd love to talk with you about it! Ebenezer's illustrator, Melissa Rosendahl, is often available to come as well. I'll work with you to plan an event that fits what you want!

What does the typical EB Flea program look like? I usually do a reading, question & answer period, an interview by the students and a discussion about why character in life is important. If time and planning allows, I often do a writing workshop for the older kids and a coloring project while talking about feelings with the younger ones.

Lastly, I have a limited amount of special edition hardcover books on hand, so let me know if you're interested in purchasing one!

Thanks for your support of Ebenezer Flea (and me!) as we truly appreciate it.
Very sincerely,

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